The Seed of the Month: Cucumber

Cucumber was discovered in Ancient India over 4000 years ago. It is one of the oldest fruits that we use today.


For many of us, Cucumber is considered to be a vegetable because of how it’s used in the culinary world, however, cucumber is of course a fruit because it has seeds.

It’s the vegetable that isn’t really a veg at all. It’s a refreshing, crunchy fruit that is known for its versatility. Great to add to salads with feta, to dip in houmous, or cover in soy sauce with sesame seeds. Excuse me whilst I try not to salivate too much!

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The Benefits

The main ingredient of cucumber is water (95%), eating it will keep you hydrated, it’s great for keeping away bad breath and provides your body with antioxidants.

Cucumber is also beneficial for your skin, and is really soothing and cooling for your body.


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Let’s Get Growing


Cucumber (Marketmore 76) 

INDOOR SOWING: February to May


Start it off indoors either in a module tray / tray or pots.

Plant it in free draining compost inside a propagator, and keep the temperature between 18-21°C. 

When the seedlings' true leaves form and feel strong, transplant to a larger pot. This process can be difficult to judge, as they are quite sensitive!

In fact they aren’t too dissimilar to us! They don’t like too much changes in their environment.


Our tip: Test out one seedling to see if it is strong enough!

As the days/night start warming up, gradually move them outdoors (around May/June). Water plentifully and often and pick the fruits regularly for a continuous crop.

They should start to fruit in July. 


How To Sow Seeds?


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